Acne scars

Acne Scar Treatment

When dead skin cells, oils, and debris plug pores, acne develops. Acne will affect many people at some point in their lives. If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer from moderate to severe acne, acne scarring could be a long-term effect of your condition. Uneven skin tone, discolouration, and visible and textural flaws are all results of acne scarring. Use the most cutting-edge acne scar removal procedures available in Dubai to lessen the long-term effects of acne.

What are acne scars?

The obvious consequences of moderate to severe acne are acne scars. Their precise look might vary, ranging from pockmarks and indentations to areas of rough, uneven skin texture and discolouration. The extent of your acne and whether or not you picked or squeezed your spots may determine how severe your scarring is. If you have acne, getting treatment as soon as possible in Dubai could help you regulate your skin and reduce the likelihood of acne scars.

How acne leaves its mark?

Acne can have a number of reasons. Acne outbreaks can also harm the skin and the tissue underneath it if they are severe enough to penetrate deeply. Your body will create more collagen, one of the essential components of strong, healthy skin, if you let your skin to recover naturally. Scarring, however, can result from either too little or too much collagen production. The amount of collagen produced determines the form of scarring:
While there are a number of different kinds of acne scars, nodules, cysts, and spots that are picked or scraped are more likely to cause long-term skin damage. Treatments for acne might help get rid of acne before it leaves scars.

Holistic treatments to remove acne scars

Numerous holistic therapies are available to help you and your skin seem refreshed and youthful while also significantly reducing the appearance of damaged skin. Say goodbye to the problems of acne scarring. Depending on your specific needs, our doctors or skin specialists will examine your skin and recommend one of our cutting-edge acne scarring treatments.

Acne scars using secret RF microneedling

Secret RF microneedling reduces the appearance of acne scarring by remodeling the skin from the inside out using radio frequency (RF) energy in conjunction with traditional microneedling treatments. By causing tiny wounds in the skin, these methods stimulate the creation of collagen, which lessens the appearance of rough, uneven skin tone and texture.

Chemical Peel for acne scars

Chemical peels, a popular procedure for skin whitening and rejuvenation, also remove the outer layers of old skin to show new skin, which is often smoother and less scarred. Our doctor or skin specialist will assist you in finding the ideal chemical peel to restore the appearance of your skin because different types of peels reach different layers of the skin.

Laser Carbon Peel with Revlite for acne scars

A cutting-edge laser procedure that targets rough, textured skin and can lessen the visibility of acne scarring is a carbon laser peel. In order to make your skin appear smooth, clear, and radiant, it exfoliates the outer layers of skin using activated carbon powder and cutting-edge laser technology.

For acne scars, eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation

In contrast to conventional laser skin resurfacing lasers, eMatrix sublative rejuvenation stimulates cell renewal and increases collagen formation by using heat radiation that deeply penetrates the skin. The look of scars is lessened as new skin is exposed.

Stem Cells with Dermapen for acne scars

Dermapen is a microneedling device that causes many tiny skin wounds. Increased collagen production is the result of the body’s healing response to this. Stem cells combined with dermapen are employed in modern acne scarring treatment methods to repair damaged and scarred skin.

Dermal Subcision for acne scars

A less invasive cosmetic procedure called dermal subcision is advised for the treatment of depression scars. In dermal subcision, the fibrous connective tissues that hold the depressed scarring areas to the deeper layers of the skin are broken by inserting a tiny needle beneath the scarred skin. New collagen produced by the wound’s healing process will raise the scar and lessen the visibility of craters and indentations.





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