Underarm Sweating

Underarm Sweating Treatment in Dubai

Although everyone perspires to regulate their body temperature, some people perspire so much that it begins to negatively impact their quality of life. You might be a good candidate for underarm sweating treatment in Dubai if you’re self-conscious about your perspiration, fear that it will attract unwelcome attention, or just feel dirty.

What is Botox underarm sweating treatment?

Many people have heard of Botox as a cosmetic treatment for the face. However, Botox is also an approved and highly successful treatment that can help to decrease excessive underarm perspiration. By temporarily inhibiting the chemical signals from the brain that activate the sweat glands, this FDA-approved therapy can reduce sweat production by up to 87%. Botox solution is injected straight into the armpit sweat glands during this minimally invasive technique. To lessen any discomfort you may feel, topical anesthetic may be applied beforehand. With preparatory time included, the procedure can typically be completed in less than an hour. You may easily get rid of awkward sweating circumstances with no discomfort or downtime.

What is underarm sweating, and why does it happen?

Sweating is an extremely common and natural human behavior. Sweating helps people regulate their body temperature and cool down, especially if they are really hot or have been exercising. Water from your body is expelled through skin glands as you perspire. Your body cools and becomes more comfortable as this water evaporates.

Sweating is inevitable when you live in a hot, muggy environment. Unfortunately, sweating is a natural human emotion, and some people perspire more than others. Although it can run in families and is more likely to afflict women going through the menopause and those taking particular medications, such as beta blockers, the exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown.

How long does a therapy for underarm perspiration last?

Since each client at One and Only Aesthetic is different, the outcomes of treatment may differ based on how your body reacts to it. You won’t notice the effects of this very effective medication for about two weeks. You should anticipate that the effects of Botox for underarm sweating will endure for six to twelve months before you need additional treatment to keep them going.

Benefits of underarm sweating treatment

For a variety of reasons, our important customer prefers Botox for excessive underarm sweating:
When other treatments have failed, Botox is one of the most straightforward, efficient, and discrete ways to address underarm sweating in both men and women. Customers who opt for Botox for underarm sweating can anticipate an 82–87% reduction in armpit sweating, which can also greatly lessen the odor that comes with excessive perspiration. With our innovative and skilled doctors’ underarm sweating treatment, you can enjoy the liberation of dry, odorless armpits.



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